Yield Farming

Nov 17, 2023

Understanding Yield Farming

Yield farming, also known as liquidity mining, is a method of generating rewards with cryptocurrency holdings. In simple terms, it means locking up cryptocurrencies and getting rewards. While the concept of earning interest on investments is nothing new, the way in which yield farming applies this principle to the world of blockchain technology is quite revolutionary.

yield farming

How Yield Farming Works

At its core, yield farming involves crypto investors, or liquidity providers, adding funds to a liquidity pool. These pools power a marketplace where users can lend, borrow or exchange tokens. The usage of these platforms incurs fees, which are then paid out to liquidity providers according to their share of the liquidity pool. The liquidity provider gets a token in return for their funds, which can be used for further yield farming.

Yield Farming and DeFi

Yield farming is closely associated with the DeFi (Decentralized Finance) movement, which aims to use blockchain technology to recreate traditional financial systems, such as loans and insurance, with no intermediaries. DeFi applications, or dApps, are typically built on the Ethereum blockchain, and yield farming has been a major factor in the recent surge of interest in DeFi.

DeFi yield farming

Benefits of Yield Farming

Yield farming can be lucrative, particularly for those early to the game. High annual percentage yield (APY) on investments can be enticing, with some liquidity pools offering triple-digit interest rates. However, it's important to note that these rates are highly volatile and can change quickly. Yield farming also offers a new way of earning passive income on the blockchain.

Risks of Yield Farming

While the potential rewards can be high, yield farming is not without its risks. The most significant risk is smart contract bugs. As most DeFi applications are relatively new, there's a risk that hackers could exploit vulnerabilities in the smart contracts. Other risks include price volatility and the potential for liquidation if the collateral's value falls too much.

yield farming risks

How to Get Started with Yield Farming

Getting started with yield farming involves several steps. First, you'll need Ethereum tokens to participate in most DeFi applications. Next, you'll need to decide which DeFi platform you want to use. Some popular choices include Compound, Uniswap, and Balancer. Once you've chosen a platform, you can follow their specific instructions to deposit your tokens and start farming yields.

Yield Farming Strategies

There are countless strategies for yield farming, but most are based on the same principle: maximizing return on investment. This can involve a variety of tactics, from simple strategies such as chasing the highest yield, to more complex ones like yield hopping, where farmers move their assets around to chase the highest yields as they change.

yield farming strategies


Yield farming is a fascinating aspect of the DeFi movement, offering potentially high returns for those willing to take the risk. However, it's important to do your research and understand the risks before getting involved. As with all investments, never invest more than you can afford to lose.